воскресенье, 19 марта 2017 г.

Sluwe Voz Radio

Sluwe Voz Radio (Sly Fox) / pirate stn (HOL)
Date: January 29, 2017
Time UTC: 16.00-16.30
Frequency: 6210 kHz
Receiver: WebSDR / Stafford / UK
Confirmed: e-QSL / radio6210@yandex.ru

Dear Konstantin,

Thank you very much for sending me a reception report. My name is Jelmer, the operator of Sluwe Vos Radio, and I am very glad you were able to listen to my station.

I receive many reports for each broadcast and, although I would like to send everybody a personal message, it is no longer possible because of the time involved. I really appreciate your contact, though, and hope you enjoyed listening to my show.

I have been active on shortwave for several years now and can mostly be heard around 6210 KHz.

Sluwe Vos Radio is located in the north part of the Netherlands, 20 kilometers south of the port of Lauwersoog. 

Thanks again for your reception report, for which I am sending you my E-QSL card as confirmation.

Sluwe Vos Radio

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