понедельник, 12 июня 2017 г.

Voice of Greece

"The Voice of Greece" ERT (GRC)
Date: June 8, 2017
Time UTC: 22.30-23.05
Frequency: 9935 kHz
Receiver: R-250M2
Antenna: LW 5m outdoor / 12m above ground
Location: St.Petersburg (inside city), Russia
Confirmed: e-QSL / dgazidellis@ert.gr

Traditional Skyrian jewelry

Dear Sir,
Thank you for your report via email. We are very pleased for the good reception.
Please find attached an eQSL card from ERT.

Best Regards

Dimitris K. Gazidellis Ph.D
Director of Network Development & Operations ERT SA

 "The prince of lilies"


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