понедельник, 10 апреля 2023 г.

Radio Intersound

Radio Intersound / pirate station (NL)
April 9, 2023
Time UTC
6890 kHz
WebSDR (KiwiSDR)
AV-640 / ZS6BKW
Langenberg, Germany
e-QSL / radiointersound@outlook.com

Dear Konstantin,

Thank you very much for the videoclip of the reception on YT!

Some technical details of the broadcast: The transmitter is a low power DIY and gives a power of about 15 Watts on the Medium Wave frequencies and a fraction less on the Short Wave frequencies. I can use it up to 30 MHz. The power on the 6890 kc was only 12 Watt carrier. I designed my antenna in such a way, that this wire can give an excellent SWR from the entire MW to the 43 meter SW-band. It is a simple L-antenna, 9 meters high and about 13 meters long (a half wave to 43 meters), which is also adapted to a simple home-built LC tuner with a long range. As earth I use 4 long earth radials over the ground, which one of them is connected to a wide ditch.

The show of 09 April this year was also a test with the audio, which was coming from a receiver on my rig. I did this broadcast live from my laptop and plug a little FM-transmitter on his earphone. The transmitter and antenna is standing 20 metres further from my home, so I can present the shows now from my house, which make it more comfortable for me. 😊

In the past, I worked as a disc-jockey at radio Mi Amigo from the radio-ship LV18 off the English coast at Harwich and later at River Gibbs FM (London), Radio Emmeloord (Netherlands) and Clear Blue Sky Radio (England). There are still shows of me on the internet, under my alter-ego Roland Visser with PowerHour 

(like https://clearbluesky.co.uk/2020/10/12/roland-visser-power-hour/).

Furthermore, my friend Bert (Skylab Radio/Studio Friesland) and I helped several (licensed) LPAM stations (up to 100 Watts) with setting up their broadcast antennas. Due to personal circumstances I also took a break for a while.

With the best regards and til next time,

Roland Visser of Radio Intersound.

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